Development and more...

My New Blog

Hello, Now I have a new blog, and this is my first post. I've never done it before but I'm going to write different articles about computer programming languages ​​and tech. So, Why do I need it? First of all it can help me to improve my communication skills and and let me not to forget about work I've already done. In third it may help some others to expand their knowledge and to find out something new. Sometimes I'll write in different languages, sometimes I'll use Russian, sometimes English, so it will also help me to improve my English, because English is the second main language for programmers and as I've seen at the Internet a someone said "A programmer without understanding English like a Surgeon Doctor without a scalpel - He can still do the surgery but not so perfect". And I totally agree with that saying. There's no limit to perfection! PS: So wish me luck with that hard but very interesting way of writing, but I wish you Good Reading! Thanks for your attention.